Thursday, March 21, 2013

Body vs. Nature

        I edited one of my older photos, so there was a boarder around the images. I also spent a long time trying to overlay photos, however I have used most of my body images that match the nature photos
that I have. So, I need to take more photos. Over spring break I will take a lot more abstract body and nature photos. I want to get a body photo to merge with water and some more vibrant colored ones. This week I merged a photo of lips, cheeks, and eyelashes with flowers.

New and Improved

My new photo

Here are the two photos I merged 
together to form my new photo.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Body vs. Nature

 Last weekend I went on a hike and took more nature photos, then this week I was able to merge a couple of them with abstract body photos from last week. My first photo is of the indentation of the at the base of the neck merged with a small hole in the ground. My second photo is looking down on legs paired with a sprouting tulip plant. I have been experimenting more with photoshop and it capabilities. I was able to enhance the colors and in my second photo I dissolved the edges of the plant photo so it melded better.

Here is the photo that I merged with the neck.
This photo took forever to put together because the leg photo was really dark while the plant one was very light and at fist they did not work together at all.

Here are some samples of my nature photos I took:

I haven't used any flowers yet in my
concentration and would like to.

These valley photos I want to merge with
my photo of the back.

Next week I will continue creating more diptychs and overlaid photos, I need five more to have a completed concentration. This weekend I may take some more body abstraction photos and a photo of tree roots.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Body vs. Nature

      These are 5 layered images that I'd like to use in my final portfolio. The last three are new. I have an overlaid photo of the lines and repetitions on a hand mirrored in the lines and texture of bark on a tree. The next photo is of sea kelp and hair, they both contain similar movement, lines and color. The last image is of toes and round stones, both images have repetition of shapes and lighting.
This weekend I plan to take more nature photos to match up with my other, previously taken, abstract body photos.

Do you like these rock or do you think it would look better with smaller golf ball sized rocks in the foreground (where the toes are)?

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Body vs. Nature
This week I worked on editing my photos in Photoshop. I merged a couple of my body and nature images, you can see the result below. I found that I really like overlaying the images, it created super interesting textures. However, I also found that overlaying did not work for all my photos, so I will include diptychs in my portfolio as well as overlaid photos.
This photo is a neck and a curved branch.

Do you like diptych or overlaying better for this photo couple?

This week I also took more abstractions of the body photos:

I love the lighting in this photo